A Shooting Gallery
February 2, 2023 8:45pm – Tacoma Twin Rinks – North Rink
Muscle Hamsters vs. Polar Bears 3 – 2
Game Stats: https://stats.ttr.timetoscore.com//oss-scoresheet?game_id=26503&mode=display
Video Link: https://youtu.be/-G828tDuaFY
Goals at 2:07, 4:57 and 55:33
Okay, so most of us were at the game anyway, so you don’t really need me to tell you what happened. But I did promise, so here we go.
After a couple tough losses, we pulled out a win against the Polar Bears, the funnest team to play in my opinion. Unlike other teams that will remain nameless, the ‘Bears understand that we’re all really out there to have fun.
Early on, it looked like we might really light up the scoreboard, with goals from Mason and Quaid in the first 5 minutes of the game. Mason’s was particularly sweet as he had his date in the stands. Awwwww….
But if we surprised him early, Nathan engaged the mechanism, facing a total of 53 shots. Now, a few of them were like the ones I offered, hacking away just inches from his pads, but there were lots of other quality shots, not a few of which we were completely sure had gone in from the bench. One of his saves was off the back corner of the blade of his skate?! Holy crap!
After our early lead, the Polar Bears tied it up half way through the 2nd (the first goal was a bit greasy, causing even the great Shae to curl into a ball of regret), and it stayed that way until there was only 4 minutes left in the game, and not a few of us figured we were headed to a tie. But Randy decided he’d had enough of this s**t, took the assist from Quaid and finally poked one past for the game winner!
Overall, we did a fantastic job holding the offensive zone, which you kind of have to do to notch over 50 shots. Our passing was crisp and on-target, including a circus-like centering pass from Marc while on his ass! Looking at the list of penalties (high-sticking, slashing, hooking), you’d think we were all out there swinging clubs like maniacs, but it really was a friendly game.
Let’s go, Hamsters!